Thursday, March 12, 2015

Encouraging Words

Dear person who took time out of your day to encourage me,
Maybe you thought I was someone you knew as you drove past.  Maybe you're just that kind of person.  Whatever the reason, thank you.
Your words have stuck with me all day, even after my walk.  As I've fed three kids and held the fourth.  As I've pushed the vacuum while wearing a baby.  As I hurried to shower after tucking them all in for a nap.  And now, as I'm using my quiet time to reflect on my day.
What you probably didn't know as you sped past me, pushing a double stroller and wearing two more kids, is that I've really been struggling in my commitment to lose weight the past few weeks.  I had been doing pretty well, waking up around 5:30 to exercise quickly before my kiddos were awake and needed my attention.  But then, we had two weeks of sickness, and my tired body needed the extra sleep.  My motivation had slipped, even after all have recovered.
And so this morning, as I heard two screaming babies and watched two toddlers overflowing with energy, I knew God was tugging me out the door.  It was a glorious spring morning, perfect for a walk, a great way to slide back in to my exercise habit.
And then you drove by.
After explaining to my two-year-old that the person who just honked the car's horn and shouted was trying to say hi, I already began to think of what your words meant.  My post-four-baby body is not what it once was.  My eating habits have been poor examples for my children as of late.  Your words will stick with me as I continue to work to glorify God with the body he has given me.
Maybe someday your wife will need the same encouragement.  I pray that you will be able to help her the way you helped me.  But maybe just a little more gently and sensitively.

Fat Momma.