I've realized lately that why I originally got married is not why God wanted me to get married. When we decided to get married, I knew the man I would marry was a Christian, loving man, desirous of sharing his faith with those around him. We wanted companionship, to share our love for each other and to start a family. And those are all good reasons to get married.
But, I've noticed lately, God wanted to teach me many, many lessons through my marriage. (Amazingly enough, he had been trying to teach me these lessons for most of my life.) Here are a few of the lessons that have bombarded me lately.
1) God wanted to teach me how to work. You may think that I am accusing my husband of being lazy, but the opposite is actually the truth. My husband works hard every day, preparing lessons, correcting papers, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry. And so God has demonstrated through my husband a fantastic work ethic.
2) God wanted to teach me how to pray. Having children has really given me infinite reasons to pray, but my husband once again has shown me the importance that prayer should have in my life. Every night he finds the most uncomfortable position possible so as not to fall asleep as he prays over the day past. And, when he shares his prayers with me, I am reminded to look beyond me, my family and our little circle to pray for the world around us.
3) God wanted to teach me to depend on Him. As a woman and a mom, I rearrange my priorities. I often describe myself as a mom, a wife and a Christian, in that order. I am often tempted to put my husband or my kids before God. But God continually reminds me that I am first his child and he is first in my life. Through the many speed bumps of life--finances, family problems, sickness--God continually reminds me that it is he, through my husband and the people around us, who provides all that I need.
There are many, many more lessons I've learned through the seven short years of our marriage, but these are the ones I've really noticed lately. I am so thankful for the blessing of my husband and family. But, as we prepare our hearts for Jesus' birth, I'm even more thankful for the blessing of forgiveness that Jesus came to give to each of us.