Monday, June 18, 2018

Thanking God for Godly Men

I see so many posts lately about men. Men who abuse women, men who think highly of themselves, men who abuse their power. I have also seen posts encouraging men to respect women, pleading for men to rule wisely. I have not, however, seen many posts from women praising men, honoring them or encouraging them.

I am not belittling the women (or other men) who have been negatively affected by men. I have personally seen the damage that abuse can cause in a victim's life. But constantly belittling men and accusing them does not fix the problem. We must begin to acknowledge and respect men for who God has made them.

I have been blessed to have many Godly men in my life. My grandfathers both were Christians who worked hard so their children would know about Jesus. I anxiously await the day I will rejoice with them at Jesus' throne. My father brought me to be baptized, taught me about Jesus at home, gave me a Christian education through elementary and high school. He has also passed down to me his love for teaching and music (and a thorough dislike of the extraneous rattling noises coming from my car). My husband leads his family to love Jesus through his own example. His love for Jesus motivates him to work hard to be the best husband, father and teacher he can be.

These are the men with whom I have spent the most time. But there are so many more. My brothers and brothers-in-law are hard working, tackling projects at work and at home and serving at their churches. I have seen many friends from high school who amaze me at the time and care they spend on their children and who are working hard to make this world a better place for those children to live.

Women, we need to stand up. We need to make our voices heard. We need to praise these men, to pray for them, to honor and respect them. We need to work for change that will allow men to be who God made them to be.