Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Playing with Trains

My house is quiet right now.  It’s a rare occasion to have all three kids napping at the same time.  Of course, my four year old is only staying in bed because I bribed him.  (I admit it.  He’s battling a cold and needs to rest.) 
A friend of ours gave us a train to go under the Christmas tree last night.  My husband and I did a pretty good job of sneaking it home without the kids noticing it.  Unfortunately, we forgot it in the back of the van last night, and my two oldest discovered it this morning.  My four year old begged me to play with the train instead of go to school.  I took it out of the van and put it in the shed with the promise that we would get it out after nap time, as long as everyone stayed in bed during nap time.
Now, my son is laying in my bed, patiently listening to “soft music” (the classical station), waiting for the radio to turn off so he can jump out of bed and get the train out of the hallway.  Putting it mildly, he’s eager for nap time to be done.
This Advent season, I have had a hard time getting into the “eagerly waiting” spirit.  Normally, I love decorating the house, baking, and making Christmas gifts.  This year though I have been more than willing to let my husband put up the tree and hang the lights and the stockings.  (I have managed to do a little of the baking.)  I can’t pinpoint the specific cause for my lack of enthusiasm this year; suffice it to say I’m giving into my sinful nature.   Watching my children has helped me—they are overly excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house in a few days.  And now, seeing how excited my son is to play with this unexpected gift, it’s really starting to hit home.
Jesus isn’t an unexpected gift to us.  God promised us thousands of years ago he would send a Savior to crush sin and death for us.  He did.  We are now waiting for our Savior’s second coming.  He is coming to give us the rest of the promise—a home in heaven.
My son is now standing next to me, a large box of trains in hand.  His eager expectation is that I will help him play with trains.  I pray that I am as eager for our Lord’s second coming.

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