Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It Takes a Village

I've read a few other blogs and articles recently that have spoken to raising children.  These articles reinforced my belief that I am personally responsible for raising my children.  But I have also seen in my life lately that I can't do it all on my own.
I'm sure some of you have heard me say, "Feel free to discipline my children when they need it" (or something similar).  As a teacher I often felt uncomfortable witnessing my students' behavior toward their parents.  I would often talk to these students privately later on, since I was dealing with teenagers.  However, as a mom of preschool-and-younger-aged children, I realize that it's nice to have someone else on my side.
It's not just the discipline side of parenting, although, I really do feel that if you see my child misbehaving and I don't you should feel comfortable stopping that behavior.  Lately it's been all the extra help I've needed to make all the doctor appointments for the baby.  (And, they're just going to get more frequent!)  And also the parents who volunteer to stay by my van as I run my daughter into preschool so I don't have to unbuckle two extra little ones and juggle them up and down steps.  It's even the parents who've babysat for my husband and me so we can have a date night.  Trust me, I know that adding three kids to anyone's house is CRAZY!
Here's where I really appreciate my village.  I have so many wonderful Christian friends surrounding me.  What a blessing!  Many of the women who've helped out are in a similar circumstance--children of their own, appointments needing time, and family that lives far away.  And they unselfishly have offered to help me out.  Thank you!
What I truly appreciate is that these people have the same faith as me.  They are my back up to help me teach my kids to follow Jesus in all they do.  And I am so thankful that they let their lights shine as they help in whatever way they can.  It is comforting to know there are other parents in my church praying for me and my family, helping me raise children who know and love God.
This past Sunday, our pastor reminded us that when we come together as a church, God promises to bless what we do.  He spoke on Matthew 18:19, 20 and he told us that God promises that when we agree on what we ask (pray) for, God will bless us.  So tonight, I ask that we come together and ask God to help us work as a village to support each other as we raise Godly children.  And I pray that when the time comes I can be a part of your village, too!

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