Thursday, February 13, 2014

February Snow Day Part 1

We had a snow day today.  We got about 10 inches of snow last night, followed by sleet during the day today, and it started snowing again at about 6:00 tonight.  For a homesick Minnesota girl, this is great!  Here are a few pictures of what we did this morning and this evening during the snow.
First breakfast this morning--while the muffins were in the oven.

My daughter retrieving her older brother's boots that got stuck in the snow.

Sitting on the drift on the front porch.

Sledding on the driveway because the snow is too deep.

Finally my oldest came back out.  We lost a liner, so he has bread bags in his boots.  He thought it was great!

Watching a movie while I made dinner.  The "fog" is the smoke from my cooking in the kitchen.
I hope you had a great day, too.  Hopefully tomorrow, I'll have some pics of what else we accomplished today (well almost accomplished--we need to finish it yet, and thankfully we have yet another snow day tomorrow).  Blessings!

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