Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy Birthday, Baby!

It’s hard to believe it’s already been two months since we first met our newest addition.  Baby J has quickly gained quite the fan club.  His brothers and sister are enamored with him, as are Mamma and Dad.  Most days it’s a race to see who can give him his elephant pacifier first (even if he doesn’t need it).  He’s almost constantly smothered with snuggles and “moochies” (as Mr. M likes to say).  And now that he’s smiling, Big Boy N and Little Miss R run to tell me every time he opens his mouth in a grin or coos at them.
Selfie with the birthday boy
What a blessing to be a mamma of four.  Dear Lord, please remind me of this as I know I will often struggle in the days and years ahead.  Amen.

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