Thursday, November 20, 2014

All things are possible

This morning I saw a bumper sticker that said, "God promised to make all things possible, not easy."  It really got me thinking.
I've been struggling lately, wondering what God wants me to do.  I've started a direct sales business and it hasn't been going as easily as I thought it would.  I've been wondering if this is God's hint to me that perhaps this isn't where my talents lie.
At home with my kiddos, I've been frustrated quite often, too.  Potty training is hard work and my potty trainee doesn't really appreciate all the laundry I've been doing to keep him in clean, dry pants (now that winter is setting in).  My bigger ones are struggling to understand the difference between what they want to do and what needs to be done as part of a family, and their sense of urgency rarely matches up with mine.
Our van is in the shop again, too.  We're having a hard time deciding if we should keep pouring money into it or just give up and have two car payments for awhile.
But this morning I asked my son to recite his memory work for me.  "Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you," he spouted off.  BAM!  God whacked me in the head with his Word once again...and through one of my children, once again.  I stopped right then and asked for forgiveness.  I haven't been praying about all these things as he directs me to; I've been storing them in my heart, letting them eat away at me.  Then, they sneak out as tears or anger at my family.
And when I backed my van out of its parking spot later this morning, God was there helping me see that he is with me making all things possible.  Here on Earth there are a few things that I need to do instead of waiting for God to plop them in my lap.  But that just makes me even more excited for heaven when all things will be possible and easy.  Until then, I've got some really awesome people helping make all things possible here.  THANK YOU!

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