Saturday, September 30, 2017


Today reminded me of why I started on this journey in the first place.

17 months ago I joined my first accountability group. I wanted to be healthy so I could play with my kids. And I wanted to set an example of a healthy lifestyle for them.

Fast-forward 17 months, and my drive to continue has been wavering, somewhat. I had surgery in August, I got sick just after I got back into working out. My kids have been sick. I'm still not used to my new schedule of piano lessons. All these excuses keep running through my head. "Do I really even want to continue?" I've asked myself several times this week.

This morning, my husband and I committed to each other that, at the very least, we would take a family walk. This would help me get back at it. It wasn't until 3:30 this afternoon that we finally stood our ground (well, actually walked on it), and took our family walk.

The beautiful sunshine and crisp air was the perfect backdrop. Our two oldest rode their bikes. My husband pulled the next two in the wagon. I followed up the rear with our youngest in the hiking backpack.

As we walked, our family decided to follow a new route, which lead us past the playground of the neighborhood school. We decided to stop and play for a while. And as I watched my children, I remembered my why.

Here they were, running, playing, having fun. They weren't inside sitting watching t.v. And my husband and I chased them, pushed them on the swings and watched them try out their American Ninja Warrior skills. Seeing their smiles as the flew through the air, climbed up and down and ran, laughing, away from "The Tickle Monster" brought so much joy to my heart.

Tonight, as I tucked them in, my three-year-old said, "Mama, I had fun today."

So did I.

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