Saturday, August 25, 2012

When Will I Learn?

My doctor put me on bed rest last week.  As she put it, I am the best incubator for my baby right now.  Once I walked out the door of my doctor’s office, I broke down.  My husband and I are anxious to meet our third child, but we want him to be healthy enough to come home right away.  And, who would help take care of my two other children at home.  My family lives hundreds and thousands of miles away.  And, I’d been helping my husband prepare for his new school year.  What would he do without my help?
However, I have been very blessed.  My church family has been wonderful, sending their teenage daughters over to entertain my kids, making us meals, and taking my preschooler and toddler to play at their houses.  Even though these people are wonderful Christians, I experience a certain amount of trepidation sending my children off to their houses.  Will my children behave?  Will they play nicely with their friends?  Will someone else take as good care of my kiddos as I do?
See, one of my pet sins is worrying.  I like to be in control, and when God says to me, “You have to give up the control and let me take care of things,” I tend to freak out.  I forget (or purposely put out of my mind) my favorite Bible passage, a passage that is my confirmation verse, was the sermon text at the opening service my first year of college, was the theme passage for the school my first year of teaching, and was the text my husband and I chose for our wedding sermon.  Please look it up--Psalm 25:4,5.
What a wonderful prayer for a compulsive worrier.  God’s ways are much better than anything I can plan or prepare.  I have an excuse to let my housekeeping slide (at least for a few weeks)!  I can sit on my couch and work on all the fun craft projects that I’ve started and not finished.  I am experiencing God’s grace as he sends more and more people to help me and my family.  What a blessing!
P.S.  I was taken off bed rest this week!

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