Thursday, September 13, 2012


I fit into my fat jeans!!!  (That is an exclamation of excitement, not exasperation.)  One week after coming home with a beautiful new baby, I dug out my “normal” jeans.  After much hesitation (I tried putting on “normal” dress pants on Sunday, only to be still too big), I took out my “fat jeans,” slid one leg in at a time, pulled them up to my squishy belly, and, more easily than I expected, buttoned and zipped them.  And then I did a little happy dance.  Not too many people would be excited to put on “fat jeans,” but a new mom eager to get out of maternity clothes is one.
As I finished dressing and switching a few maternity clothes out for a few more “normal” choices, I was tempted to bemoan my meager wardrobe.  My husband has twice as many clothes as do I (not at all kidding), and my selection right now is worn, stained, too big or too small.  But then I realized how spoiled I really am.  Not only do I have multiple outfits to choose from, I have multiple outfits in multiple sizes.  The multiple sizes indicate that I have been blessed with plenty of food to eat.  I have a wonderful, comfortable home to live in, with a big, soft bed to sleep in every night.  And that’s just part of the “things and stuff.”  I have a God-fearing, hard-working husband.  I have three precious children of God.  And I have the confidence of an eternal home when I die.
I think we are sometimes brainwashed into seeing the glass as half-empty.  I challenge you to go beyond seeing the glass as half-full and see your cup running over.  God not only showers us with blessings, he pours them out on us bucket after bucket.  Consider James 1:2-17 as think of all the blessings you have.

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