Thursday, October 11, 2012

Which Mommy?

As I write this, I have a sleeping infant snuggled on my shoulder.  I feel just a little guilty.  Lately, he’s been taking most of his naps in his car seat.  He probably should be sleeping in his crib, since we’re actually home while he’s sleeping, but I have decided to indulge my Mommy heart today.
I’ve been fighting a personal battle lately over which identity gets to win.  I have the Mommy persona, the house wife persona, and the good wife persona.  (I’m sure there are probably more, but these are the ones in conflict right now.)  My house wife persona sees the toys spread throughout the house, the dishes piled up in the sink, the laundry waiting to be folded, and she wants to conquer them all RIGHT NOW!  My good wife persona wants to have a fantastic dinner ready for my husband when he gets home; clean, well-rested children excited to see him; and energy to stay up and help him with his correcting.  My Mommy persona sees three kids who won’t be this little for very long; they want to play with me, they need to snuggle and read books; and they need help being potty trained.
All the things I’ve listed are important, and so I am in conflict.  But today, I remembered part of our Pastor’s sermon from last Sunday.  Jesus let the little children come to him.  He took time from his busy (and much more important) schedule to let the kids know they were important, too.  And so I took a break from the laundry I was folding, put shoes on two little pairs of feet, snuggled a little baby into his carrier and walked defiantly past the piles of toys on my porch.  I put my two oldest in the stroller, and we walked to the park.  I drove the pretend car, vrooming noises and all, to the “hotel”, where I was served rock coffee and leaf cookies.  I was invited to help build a sand tower “way, way, way up to heaven.”  (Perhaps we need a refresher of the tower Babel?)  I helped find the perfect lollipop (a stick the size of my daughter’s hand).  And, as we walked home to make lunch, my heart felt happy.
Of course, the laundry still sits, waiting to be folded.  There are still toys that need putting away.  Dinner is waiting for me to make.  But, I had fun today playing with my kids.  And I am grateful that God has given me the opportunity to have that chance.

1 comment:

  1. That is the great thing about laundry and dishes. They will always be there in the morning! They are reliable like that. And I would imagine your loving husband will be there as well whether he has a wonderfully cooked meal or a frozen pizza. Way to take the time to enjoy your blessings!
