Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Help Mate

Part of the reason I haven’t blogged in so long is that we’ve been doing some serious traveling lately.  When we travel I like to leave my house clean (cleaner than normal clean, even), mostly so when I come home I have one less thing to do to get back into our routine.  My husband knows this about me, and after 5 years of traveling on holidays and summer vacations, he still loves me.  Here’s how I know.
The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we were getting ready to go visit my Aunt and Grandma in Michigan.  We were both really looking forward to this trip, as we like to get away from the fast-paced craziness of living 12 miles from the Nation’s Capital.  However, we had also both had a crazy week (all two days of it), and our house looked like Santa’s toy sack exploded in a mountain of laundry.  As I was chasing my two-year-old out to the van after school that day, I overheard my husband telling one of the parents, “We have to go home and clean before we go.  Leigh likes to come home to a clean house.”
And clean the house we did (after putting the three kiddos to bed).  We vacuumed and folded laundry, put away dishes and packed suitcases.  My husband didn’t even roll his eyes when he found me sorting toys in the basement.  Instead, he simply asked, “What can I take upstairs?”
I knew when we were married that I would find more and more reasons I love my husband.  This is one way he showed me how much he loves me.  And I am so grateful that God gave me such a wonderful help-mate.  I pray that God helps me be such a blessing to him.

1 comment:

  1. I love cleaning the house before we leave for a trip, too. One less thing to do when we get home, and one of the few times I know it will stay clean for a little while. (My husband's pretty good about humoring and helping me with it, too.)
