Monday, May 20, 2013

Shock and Awe

Oldest vacuuming last week.
A few weeks ago, we were getting our house ready for company.  As I was sweeping the kitchen floor, I heard the closet door open.  I turned and watched in awe as my oldest son, without prompting, got out the vacuum, plugged it in, and started vacuuming the steps.  I obviously haven’t been expecting enough of him.
I probably shouldn’t have been that surprised, though.  My husband and I really feel that doing chores and helping out is just part of being a family.  We start almost as soon as they can walk—the kids help us pick up their toys.  We let them help us wash dishes, set the table, vacuum, sweep and wash the floor.  I figure, get them in the habit of helping while they’re actually excited to help.
But, there’s an even more important part of giving kids responsibility: it helps them feel important.  They know they are a contributing part of the family.
Middle helping out a few years ago.
Of course, as a mom, it requires some patience.  I have to let them learn to do the tasks on their own.  I can almost always do the job much faster, and in a better order, than they can.  But, if I let them work on a chore on their own, they take ownership and pride in their work.  And, they learn they can do something on their own.  (And, of course, eventually, I won’t even have to follow behind them, right?)
My challenge now is to find the tasks they are good at and give them over to each child.  My daughter seems to enjoy cooking with me and cleaning up the kitchen.  My oldest son loves to help his dad collect the trash and take it out to the street.  My baby is just learning what goes in each cabinet (by taking everything out of the cabinets, of course!).
I pray that I have the patience to continue to encourage my kids to learn to be independent, helpful members of our family.  One day, they can teach their kids, too.  (Thanks, Dad and Mom!!!)

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