Thursday, August 1, 2013

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

This past weekend I got to go running with my sister.  It was the second time this summer that we got to do that.  Considering I see my sister two or three times a year, the fact that we (both mothers) had time to go running was AWESOME.  I am so thankful God gave us the opportunity to spend time together.
While we were running this second time, a gentle rain began falling.  It wasn’t really a nuisance until we were on our way back from our turn-around point.  As I was running up a slight hill, I tried to focus on a distant point to keep myself from stopping on the hill.  But, the rain started to speckle my glasses and make it hard for me to see the road sign I had selected as my goal.  If my sister hadn’t been running beside me, I probably would have stopped just because I couldn’t focus on the goal I had set for myself.
And then, God whacked me over the head.  “Isn’t that just like life?” he asked me.
Through the second half of my run, I really started to contemplate that thought.  How often do we set out with good intentions, only to lose our focus and stop.  My big example this summer has been exercise.  I thought that summer would be the perfect time to get back into the habit of daily exercise.  And, I started off in June quite well.  But I let the distractions of being on vacation get in the way.
Sometimes, my goals are less earthly-minded.  I often fall off the wagon of daily Bible reading because I’m too tired or think I don’t have time.  Or my prayer life struggles because I can’t think of exactly the right words to say.
But, God has given me many, many people who help me with my goals, who help me keep my focus even through the distractions.  My husband is the main one.  He sets a wonderful example of Bible reading and praying for me to follow and makes sure we have Bible reading time together every night.  My mom is another.  She helps remind me of the importance of praying for my kids and of consistent exercise.   And then there’s my sister and sisters-in-law.  They are such wonderful examples of Godly mothers working hard at whatever it is that God has given them to do.
I pray that you have someone (or more than just one!) in your life who encourages you when you get distracted.  And if you don’t, let me know.  We may just be able to help each other!

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