Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Idle Hands

I have a friend who always starts his New Years’ resolution on the first Sunday of Advent.  (It’s the start of the new church year.)  While this may seem a little odd at first, I’ve come to realize he’s really doing himself a favor.  Since it takes three weeks for a habit to become routine, he’s already gotten his New Year’s resolution under the belt just when the rest of us are starting.  And, since everyone is talking about New Year’s resolutions around that time of year, he has reminder to keep going once the habit is formed.
Lately I’ve noticed that, when I’m not exhausted from chasing kiddos, during nap time I tend to spend a lot of time on the computer.  And usually I’m on Facebook.  It’s amazing (read the sarcasm here) how much time I can waste just catching up on people’s lives and playing a few games.  And then I wonder where my afternoon went and why supper isn’t ready on time.
Today God whacked me over the head yet again.  I realized how many of my friends could use a prayer.  (I’m sure all of you could!)  And so, my New Year’s resolution, which I’m starting today, is to pray first.  Once the kids are all napping, I’m going to spend a few minutes (or a lot of minutes) praying.  My house is quiet and, even if I’m going to join the nappers in dream land, prayers is a fantastic way to get myself ready for the next task.
As all good resolutions go, though, I’m going to need some help.  First, if you wouldn’t mind, send me a message to let me know you’d like me to pray for you.  You don’t have to tell me why; God always knows what you need.  Second, I’m going to need some reminders.  Maybe you wouldn’t mind asking me how my resolution is going.  Or maybe you have a good idea for a self-reminder that I can put somewhere in my house.
God doesn’t always give us concrete answers to our prayers, but I know that he wants to hear us and promises to listen.  So, keep your eyes open for God’s answer to your prayers.

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