Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snow Day!

Our first week back to school after Christmas was quite interesting.  It was in the 40’s on Monday, but school was cancelled on Tuesday because of the cold (6⁰ in the morning with wind chills in the -15⁰ range).  Wednesday was a late start for the county, which meant my daughter didn’t have preschool; but the principal at my son’s school realized that none of our students wait for busses, and so school started on time at Grace.  Thursday was “normal.”  But Friday we had a late start because of freezing rain in the morning.  Such is the life of families with school-age children in northern Virginia.
Of course, way back in December, we had an actual snow day. I thought my two oldest were going to put their snow pants on over their pajamas they were in such a hurry to get out and play in the snow.  They had lots of fun playing in the snow until their mittens got too soggy and they came in with cold, wet hands.
Then we set about decorating cookies for Christmas.  Since I couldn’t   But they actually made it through the whole pile of cookies before losing interest.
find my food coloring, I let them pile the candy decorations on the cookies—pretty crunchy for Christmas cutouts!
We got out dress up clothes next and the Christmas train.  Here’s where the youngest got in on the game.  He wanted his costume on, too.  All three had fun chasing each other around our living room.
As for me, I sat back and enjoyed watching my children enjoy each other’s company.  Now that my oldest is at school every day, his younger siblings really love the days he’s home to direct their play.  What a blessing a snow day is!

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