Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I live 1000 miles away from my parents.  Really.  It takes 24 hours of almost-continuous driving to get there.  Most of the time, I don't really think about it.  But today, I am really missing home.
I live in a rather mild climate in the mid-Atlantic.  We've had a really cold winter here, which means it's been below freezing more days than I can count on my hands and feet.  My parents live in Minnesota...where it's been below zero more days than they care to think about...almost the most on record.  So you might think that I'm a bit off my rocker to say I miss home.  But I do.  I would gladly suffer through the cold and snow (although I'd probably have a remote starter installed on my car) to have Minnesota traffic, Minnesota nice and my Minnesota family.
Living as close to our nation's capital as we do, I know many, many military families who are not only distant from their homes and families, but are also living daily without their spouse.  I feel blessed that I have Matt here with me.  But I am still homesick.
My kids would love to go visit their Grandma (especially my daughter).  The two oldest were trying to convince me that they could walk there by themselves.  I would love to have dinner with them every once in a while.  I'd love to surprise my Dad at work or have coffee with my Mom.  When we do visit, or they come here, I feel like we take advantage of them by leaving them with our kids so we can run an errand more efficiently.  (They tell me they really come to see the kids, so I guess it's not that bad.)
Right now, I know God wants us here.  And, most of the time, I'm excited to be a part of what he has planned for us while we're her.  But tonight I want to go have coffee with my Mom.  So do me a favor if you can.  Do something with your Mom or Dad and enjoy being close to them.

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