Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unexpected Milestones

With four kids, I’ve gotten used to reaching milestones—rolling over for the first time, learning to ride a bike, cutting teeth.  But this week, I’ve gotten to experience two very different and quite unexpected milestones.  And they both happened yesterday.
We have Bible camp this week, and a good friend of ours is visiting with her daughter.  So, we invited them over for dinner.  As we were cleaning the house, I called out, “Nater, come help me.”  And, sadly enough, my oldest decided to exert his independence.  “Mamma, don’t call me Nater anymore.”  What he was really saying was, “Mamma, I’m a big boy now and I don’t need your baby nickname for me.”  Ouch.  But, I obliged his almost-six-year-old wishes and called him by his full given name for the rest of the evening.
And so, a few hours later, I went to pick up our friends to bring them to our house for dinner.  I came home to Mr. M crying his heart out.  All he wanted was to snuggle Mamma.  Which was difficult, since it was time for Baby J to eat.  After a solid 15 minutes of snuggling, I had him calmed down enough to play baby swap; he sat on Daddy’s lap while I fed Baby J.  And 15 minutes later, he quite willingly went to bed—only to wake up 2 hours later, and then another 2 hours later. 
Talking with my husband, I learned Mr. M had fallen, hard, on his shoulder while goofing his siblings that evening.  And since he was still favoring that arm this morning, we took him to the pediatrician, who (after ruling out Nurse-Maid’s Elbow) sent us to get x-rays.  And, by this afternoon, we learned what I had already suspected—Mr. M has a broken collar bone.
Tomorrow brings yet another trip (although this isn’t a milestone)—we’ve got an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist.  We’ll find out then what his treatment will be.
Through this all, I’ve seen God’s hand.  My husband and I have been saying many, many prayers; we got to spend the day with Mr. M and Baby J (a treat for the little two, and the big two who got to be with their favorite babysitter); and we got to indulge Mr. M in snuggle time (which hasn’t happened as much since Baby J came).  I am so thankful for all the well-qualified and caring health professionals we’ve dealt with today.  I pray God continues to bless them and us through them.  But, I'm also praying for a speedy return to the normal milestones...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

True Confessions of a Wife-Beautician

I grew up watching my mom cut my dad’s hair.  About every six weeks, she’d get out her scissors (until we could afford an electric clipper when I was about 10), and my dad and brothers would get their hair cut.  She told me she started in college.  “I met a lot of guys that way,” she said.
So, when I went to college, I thought I’d try my hand at what I thought would be part of my wifely duty.  I had a good friend who was patient enough (or maybe just that broke) to sit through an hour plus torture session—my first haircut—our freshmen year.  He must have really liked me, because I cut his hair several more times through our college career.  My brothers would also occasionally let me practice on them.  Slowly, my time improved, although I can’t say the same as to my skill level.
When Matt and I got married, he decided I should give him haircuts to save the ridiculously $16.00 cost.   
And so, I practiced.

And practiced.

And practiced some more.

Seven years later, I would much rather he shell out the now $21.00 cost (even more ridiculous!) and let a professional work her magic.  I put off cutting his hair as long as I possibly can in the hopes that he might give up on me and go to the Beauty School for a $5.00 haircut (and a lesson in patience as he tries to communicate with someone who barely speaks English).
Tonight, I finally gave into his requests.  As I worked, I was thinking, “Wow.  I think I’m actually getting better at this.”  I hesitantly declared the haircut over after 25 minutes of snipping and buzzing away.  He helped me clean the clippers as I swept up the floor.  As I put the broom away, he came back down from the bathroom and, dashing all my delusions of progress, said, “This isn’t even.”
Sure enough, I had done a FANTASTIC job of blending and trimming, leaving his hair long on top…but just on one side of his head.  The other, much to my dismay, was not anywhere near the same level (I mean that literally…his hair line was much higher on that side).  The only fix I could apply was to give him a sort-of-faux-hawk haircut.
“I really wish we could just send you to a professional,” I declared after the “fix.”
“But, you really are improving,” Matt tried to encourage me.
And, just now, he came down showing me yet another mistake and giving me pointers for “next time.”
What a supportive husband.  Perhaps it would be better for his image, though, if he lived in reality and took himself to a Hair Cuttery.  $21.00 once every six weeks is a small price to pay to look good, right?
I guess I’m really blessed to have someone who trust his hair to me and keeps on coming back, knowing that something will not be right.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Big Boy is at his first official sleep over tonight.  I can’t believe we’ve made it this far in childhood.  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, clueless as to what parenthood really was.  Now, he’s big enough to look forward to a Friday night sleepover with his best bud.
As we were eating dinner tonight, I whispered last-minute manner reminders to him.  “Remember to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you.’”  “If you wake up first, just lie in bed—don’t wake up your buddy.”  “Don’t beg for food.”  He looked over at me with his eyes big and said, “I know, Mom!  I can be a big boy.”
He’s right.  I don’t usually get to see it (although I’d really like to), but his friends’ moms have told me how polite he can be and his teacher has told us that he’s been good at helping out in the classroom.  He really does know all the right things to do to be a big boy.
But the best part is this.  Last night I pulled him aside to help him settle down before dinner and to ask him to be in control of himself (and all the fantastic noises he’s discovered he can make).  As I asked him how he knew what the right thing to do was (“Because you told me, Mom” is what I expected), he answered, “Because I have Jesus in my heart.  I love him a lot.”  I couldn’t help it.  I cried a little bit right there.   What a wonderful thing to say, and such a better answer than what I was hoping for.
So, as I watched him happily load himself into his friends’ car (“They have a Honda, Mom!”), I knew he would be just fine.  He knew what I would say, even before I said it.  “Keep Jesus with you!”

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy Birthday, Baby!

It’s hard to believe it’s already been two months since we first met our newest addition.  Baby J has quickly gained quite the fan club.  His brothers and sister are enamored with him, as are Mamma and Dad.  Most days it’s a race to see who can give him his elephant pacifier first (even if he doesn’t need it).  He’s almost constantly smothered with snuggles and “moochies” (as Mr. M likes to say).  And now that he’s smiling, Big Boy N and Little Miss R run to tell me every time he opens his mouth in a grin or coos at them.
Selfie with the birthday boy
What a blessing to be a mamma of four.  Dear Lord, please remind me of this as I know I will often struggle in the days and years ahead.  Amen.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sharing the Walk

And…I’m back.  It’s been almost 8 weeks since number four was born.  What a beautiful blessing he is to our family!  He’s starting to smile and be awake more.  And today he rolled over for the first time.  We can’t wait for many, many more milestones to come.
For me, personally, I am so thankful that God has spared me from another round of post-partum depression.  It’s nice to truly be able to enjoy my baby.
And since it’s summer, I will have even more time to do that.  It’s wonderful to have all my kiddos home with me, and even though we’re still busy (I’m teaching Science Camp for three weeks), we’ve had so much more family time.  I LOVE IT!
My two oldest both came home with lists of activities to keep them on track this summer.  As a good teacher/mom, I’ve set some goals for our summer, too.  We’re looking forward to a family camping trip in the mountains; I want to read a “long story” to my kids, a chapter each night (I’m thinking “Because of Winn-Dixie”); the oldest two are going to take swimming lessons; I’m going to keep up with piano lessons for them, too.
I’ve decided that I should set some personal goals as well.  And since I need to be held accountable, I’m going to share my goals with you.
                1)  Exercise 6 days a week.
                2)  Blog 2 days a week.
                3)  Lose 21 pounds by the time school starts again.  (This may sound like a lot, but
                it’s 10% of my body weight.)
I hope you all have a meaningful, busy and fun summer.  God bless!