Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sharing the Walk

And…I’m back.  It’s been almost 8 weeks since number four was born.  What a beautiful blessing he is to our family!  He’s starting to smile and be awake more.  And today he rolled over for the first time.  We can’t wait for many, many more milestones to come.
For me, personally, I am so thankful that God has spared me from another round of post-partum depression.  It’s nice to truly be able to enjoy my baby.
And since it’s summer, I will have even more time to do that.  It’s wonderful to have all my kiddos home with me, and even though we’re still busy (I’m teaching Science Camp for three weeks), we’ve had so much more family time.  I LOVE IT!
My two oldest both came home with lists of activities to keep them on track this summer.  As a good teacher/mom, I’ve set some goals for our summer, too.  We’re looking forward to a family camping trip in the mountains; I want to read a “long story” to my kids, a chapter each night (I’m thinking “Because of Winn-Dixie”); the oldest two are going to take swimming lessons; I’m going to keep up with piano lessons for them, too.
I’ve decided that I should set some personal goals as well.  And since I need to be held accountable, I’m going to share my goals with you.
                1)  Exercise 6 days a week.
                2)  Blog 2 days a week.
                3)  Lose 21 pounds by the time school starts again.  (This may sound like a lot, but
                it’s 10% of my body weight.)
I hope you all have a meaningful, busy and fun summer.  God bless!

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