Thursday, January 3, 2013


I got to be lazy over Christmas this year.  My husband and I and our three kids made the 21-hour trek back to my parents’ house.  For five days my kids had someone besides me to entertain them, to help feed them, to snuggle them and tuck them in at night.  Then, we went to my husband’s parent’s house, and my kids had another three days of grandparent love.  And I had a great time relaxing with my husband, sneaking off to Walmart, Kwik Trip, Farm and Fleet and explore the new bypass in my husband’s home town.  (Can you tell we’re from the Midwest?)
Unfortunately, my laziness carried over into my Bible reading.  I started out okay, reading before bed at night.  However all my visiting and relaxing had me staying up later.  I had a hard time reading anything, much less the book of Revelation, and not falling asleep.  And so I just stopped.
While we were visiting, my Mom gave me a book to help me in my walk as a busy mom.  I’m not positive, but I don’t think she gave it to me hoping to encourage me to get back into my Bible, but that’s what happened.  The first chapter in the book reminded me of the importance of daily Bible reading.  As I read through the author’s suggestions for reading the Bible, I realized that my laziness had not just started over the Christmas break.  Even when I had been reading my Bible nightly, I had been lazy.  I had been following my daily Bible, but not really thinking about what I was reading.  The author of the book made a few good suggestions, one of which I think I’m going to follow.  She suggested reading a Psalm and using the words of each verse to write a prayer back to God.
Even though I was lazy over Christmas, my God was not.  He didn’t stop caring for me, watching over my family as we traveled, providing for us more than we could ever ask.  Sometimes it’s nice to be lazy.  But, I’m going to ask God to help me not to be lazy in my Bible study any more.
P.S.  Thanks to my parents and my in-laws for letting me be lazy!

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