Monday, January 14, 2013

Memory Loss

I was very forgetful during my last pregnancy.  Part of it was simply being pregnant.  But, part of it was trying to get ready for my third child, as well as getting my family ready for all the changes. 
My son recently reminded me of how forgetful I was during the last few weeks of my pregnancy.  As we were getting ready to leave for school one morning, I didn’t have enough hands to grab his backpack and all the other things we needed in the van that day.  “Mommy, don’t forget my backpack!” he chided from the back seat.  “I didn’t forget it, buddy, I just didn’t have enough hands,” I told him.  “Well, you used to forget everything before the baby was born.”
I’d like to say that my forgetfulness has changed since I gave birth.  But it hasn’t.  There are mornings where I do forget a backpack or a permission slip.  The evenings when I realize I’ve forgotten to put supper in the crock pot are pretty crazy.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve forgotten the reusable bags at the grocery store, or to purchase something that was actually on my list!  And my bank isn’t so happy when I forget to transfer money between my savings and checking accounts.
For me, forgetfulness is usually bad—until I put it into heavenly perspective.  God forgets all the time.  He forgets the times that I forget to read my Bible.  He forgets the times when I forget to pray with my children.  He forgets the times when I’m too lazy to deal with my children’s bad behavior in the right way and instead bribe them to do what I want them to do.
As I think of all the things I need to remember, I pray that God helps me remember how forgetful he is.

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