Friday, May 6, 2016

I am not super mom

I have been called super mom more times than I can count by some wonderful, well-meaning people.  These friendly folks don't have the opportunity to see me in action at home, surrounded by five kids most of the time. But today I will give you a glimpse.
This morning I took my first post-baby (meaning, I had my three littlest plus my friends two kiddos) shopping trip to Aldi. The kids were great! We returned home and I unloaded the car, fed the baby and set to work unpacking all the great groceries. Enter the new technology I have added to try to earn a little extra money for my family: I must scan the barcode for every product purchased on a shopping trip, and enter it's price. So, as I worked to complete these tasks, the baby got lonely and started fussing. Hearing the baby fuss got the next two (ages 18 months and 2 years) worked up.  They started fighting. My three year old got upset that they were fighting and started shoving them apart. Before long, I had four crying children (out of five), and three sitting in time out. I wanted to sit down and cry myself. Or at least sit down and snuggle my baby and forget the world of crabby toddlers (who were really just hangry).
If you had been here, you would have seen first hand how un-super I am. I totally need God to get through every single part of my day. It is only by his grace that I get to continue caring for these wonderful blessings.

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