Thursday, May 12, 2016

Facebook Friends

Do you ever think no one needs you? Do you feel that you are not significant, that you haven't really helped anyone in a long time? I do. I know my kids need me, but I often feel that outside of these five littles I am not really making a contribution to anyone. Maybe that's one reason I write these blog posts...
Anyway, today I want to encourage you. I have been blessed by reading several different Facebook posts today, and I seriously doubt that the people who wrote them had the intention of helping me when they wrote. You, my friends from MLC that I rarely see beyond a picture of you on Facebook; you, my family spread throughout the country; you, my church family; all of you are such a blessing. Seeing your pictures of your littles playing baseball and swimming and going to the park; reading your stories from preschool and high school and the library; commiserating with you when you and your family are sick; these all encourage me to keep doing what God has given me to do.
Social media has gotten a bad rap lately--adults are addicted to it, kids can't look people in the eye. But this is one girl who is thankful for all her Facebook Friends today. God bless you all!

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