Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Whistle While You Work

I was so excited to move to our new house because the dining room has a tile floor. In our old house, the dining room was carpeted, and you can imagine what that looked like after 8 years and 5 kids. Even when a spill was caught immediately, the carpet retained a small stain.
We're riding on the train, mama!
But what I've learned is that sweeping the dining room floor is a process. It's one that I put off longer than I should. I'm glad that I have a friend come to my house three days a week so that I at least get the floors swept then!
Today as I was frantically sweeping before my friend arrived, I was also going over my to-do list for Thanksgiving. Overwhelmed is a little too steep, but I was close. But then I heard choo-choo noises coming from the doorway. My folded-over floor runner (yes, it is a carpet remnant from the boys' room upstairs!) was the perfect spot to play. And while they played, they sang. I wish I could have caught all the singing on a video for you, because there is nothing like two two-year-olds singing "Jesus Loves Me" loud enough for the world to hear!
This wonderful moment took my mind off of all the things I put on my list and helped me live in the moment. I'm so thankful God gave that moment to me today and I pray he gives you a few of those types of moments in the busy days ahead!

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