Monday, April 24, 2017

Something Old, Something New

I went for a run tonight. Even though it was raining, I really enjoyed it. I like the alone time and the personal challenge that running provides me. But, because of injury, I haven't been running (other than one time two weeks ago) since I ran a 10K in November.
I have been staying active, using workout videos through Beachbody on Demand. I've been fairly consistent, too, because of different accountability groups I've participated in. Last week, though, I started something I never thought I would do-yoga.
When I've tried yoga in the past, I always giggle through what the instructor is saying. This time, though, I was determined to get past that. And, with the help of some friends, I've been practicing yoga for one whole week.
I wasn't sure I would practice tonight, since I ran. But, I didn't want to disappoint my friends, so I did. Now, if you are familiar with practicing yoga, what I'm about to say won't surprise you. I feel so much stronger and relaxed than I ever have after a run. I still can't do many of the poses without modifying, but I haven't given up and I'm seeing improvement.
Why am I sharing this? I'm excited that I have friends who have helped me try new things and stay committed to exercise, even through injury. Is this something you're interested in? I'd love to help you, too! I will be starting an accountability group on May 1st, and I'd love to have you join me!

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