Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mary and Martha

As the mother of two children, ages 4 and 2, and a third on the way, I have a weekly struggle.  How are we going to handle church?  I’ve read and gotten much good advice:  Have your four-year-old squeeze your hand every time he hears the pastor say a specific word; Practice going to church at home; Say a prayer before church starts with your children; Bring a quiet activity for your two-year-old to work on.  Yet, every Sunday I still feel a small panic before church starts.  Will I have a screamer today?  Will we get stares from the surrounding members?  Will someone loudly ask, “Are we done yet?” half way through the sermon?  Perhaps you can relate.
Last Sunday, God worked a small realization in my life.  As I was sitting with my two-year-old, trying to keep her quietly occupied, I noticed my husband sitting, listening intently to God’s Word.  At first I was irritated.  Couldn’t he see that our son was about to start stacking hymnals and Bibles and that I needed help?  But, as I thought, a Bible story came to mind:  Mary and Martha.  If you don’t know the story, read Luke 10:38-42.
Don’t get me wrong.  I need to take time to teach my children how to behave in church.  But haven’t we always learned the best way to teach is by setting a good example?  My children will learn how important God’s word is when I set the example of listening for them.
I will continue to use the suggestions people have shared with me.  I will continue to pray with my children before church starts.  But I will also pray that God helps ME focus on his word, too.


  1. I'm discovering to my chagrin that getting up at 5am and listening to a sermon is a good way to beat out distractions from listening to Him! I've as of late not heard much of some sermons but I had a Lutheran Worship Prof. tell me once,something to the effect of, "I love to hear those little "distractions" in church because it means there is another little one being exposed to God's mercy at the foot of the cross! Let's encourage it, not discourage it!"

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