Friday, October 26, 2012

Cleaning House

I had a cleaning fest at my house recently.  I have family coming to visit, and I want my house to be looking nice when they come.  As I was rushing to vacuum and dust between loads of laundry, I realized it was time to feed my son.  At first, I was irritated that I had to stop in the middle of my cleaning rampage.  But, as I sat down on my couch, I realized how nice it was to take a break.  (Maybe this is why God invented breast feeding!)
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how God wants us to take a break.  He wants us to clear away the clutter in our lives so we can focus on him.  My own mom set a great example for me.  She was always the first one out of bed in the morning so she had her own quiet time to read her Bible.  I like to read my Bible at night to help me relax with God’s word.  My husband has shown me that asking God to help me stay awake before I start reading is a great idea.
I’ve also started running again.  And I’ve found that this is a good time for me to pray.  I have time to think of the people in my life and say a quick prayer of thanks for them or to ask God to be with them.  An added bonus is that it distracts me from my sore muscles!
Some days it’s hard for moms to get a break (or even go to the bathroom).  I pray that we never get so busy we think it’s okay to take a break from God’s Word.  That’s where we find the rest we truly need.

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