Monday, March 25, 2013

Kings and Queens

Today, I get to watch my friend’s daughter.  She’s about the same age as my oldest, and they are good friends.  I’ve been privileged to watch them grow up together since they were about one.  When they were little, I’d take them for walks to the park and people would always ask if they were twins.  I always enjoyed watching the confused looks as I replied that, no, they are actually about six and a half months apart.
Today, though, I’m noticing how different they are.  My friend’s daughter wants to play King and Queen, and so does my son.  But, Miss M. is insisting they get married, while Mr. N. is content to walk around and turn all the bad witches and wizards into fish.  It’s fun to hear them as they work out compromises or use “threats” to get what they want.
It has me thinking, though, about my own, very real, marriage.  Sometimes what I want is not at all what my husband wants.  Maybe it’s something as trivial as what we will have for lunch.  Or, maybe, it’s something much more important, like how we save and spend our money.  Either way, how am I at being respectful of my husband’s wishes?
Ephesians chapter 5 instructs husbands and wives on how to live with each other in a God-pleasing way.  Paul tells husbands to love his wives, but he tells wives to respect their husbands.  So, I am really doing a good job of respecting my husband?  Do I let him know how much I respect him?
I’ve been reading a book lately that has helped me to see that, even if I do respect my husband, I need to be more overt about it.  I need to tell him daily.  At first, this was hard for me.  It was hard to put into words what I respect about my husband.  But, as I thought more and more about it, I came up with quite a list.  And, each day, I’ve been trying to remember to share those things with him.
Now, lest you think I’ve been brainwashed into a draconian lifestyle, the book also offers advice to husbands on how to love their wives.  But, the author encourages spouses not to wait for the other to act.  And so, I’ve decided to start.

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