Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pulling off the upset

Every year at this time, my husband and I have a little rivalry.  We each fill out our NCAA March Madness brackets, and, even though we don’t really wager anything, we still like to see who comes out on top.  Fortunately, his spring break usually lines up with the first few rounds, and so can devote our attention to the numerous basketball games.  This year, it seems, neither of us picked enough upsets.  Of course, I’m still doing better than him.  :0)
Oddly enough, this time year is also a celebration of one of the biggest upsets ever.  To the sinful world, it looked like an upstart was being put in his place by the number ones of the time.  It even, for a time, appeared that he lost.  But truth be told, Jesus’ death was a victory.  And he loudly proclaimed the upset victory on that first Easter Sunday as he rose from the dead.
When Florida Gulf Coast beat Georgetown in the first round of the NCAA tournament, many thought it was a miracle.  And, as admissions to the young university are up 400%, it is quite a blessing to their campus family.  In the same way, Jesus’ upset—his victory over sin and death—is not just a miracle.  It is a continual blessing for all of us.  We know we have the confidence of life in heaven.
In our American culture, we love to cheer for the underdog.  Watching the little guy come out on top gives all of us hope.  This Easter, though, let’s celebrate the biggest upset by sharing our confidence!
“I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh will I see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another.   How my heart yearns within me!”  Job 19:25-27

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