Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Five in the Bed

6:45 came awfully early this past Sunday.  We had been up at least four times with children.  And so, when the baby wanted to eat at 6:45, I pulled him into bed with me and my husband.  Soon we had two more snuggly kiddos with us in bed.  I was quite squished and couldn’t help but thinking of the song “Ten in the Bed.”
Growing up, I always pictured myself with a large family.  As life unfolds, I am still unsure what God has in store for us.  But I really am enjoying our family of five, big or little as it may seem to you.  And this was a prime example.  My husband and I often discuss getting a bigger bed.  And I know he was tempted to bring the topic up on Sunday morning.  But instead, we focused on the blessings we had snuggled in with us.  Our oldest son read to his sister.  It’s amazing to listen to him read, especially since I can take no credit for his new-found book-enjoying freedom.  Our daughter sang softly to the baby as her brother read.  And our baby smiled and “talked” away to anyone who caught his eye.
My heart nearly burst from joy.
Many days, like today, I am burdened with the jobs that I feel I need to accomplish as a mom.  I see my kids and can only focus on their poor behavior, their grimy faces, their empty stomachs, their unkempt hair.  This past Sunday, God once again POUNDED me in the heart.  He said, “My child, see what blessings I have given you.  I am giving you the gift of raising My children for Me.”
Today, after a long, tiring day I felt snappy with my children.  I was tempted to focus only on the negative behaviors I was seeing.  And I even gave in to the temptation.  But, as I looked into my room in passing, I was reminded of my wonderful Sunday morning.  I prayed and asked God to forgive my negative attitude.  And then I enjoyed my Father’s children as I tucked them into bed.

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