Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers’ Day

One of my favorite childhood memories is of going to a Twins/Yankee’s game with my Dad.  I can’t remember who won.  I couldn’t really see the game—we were standing in obstructed view.  But it was the first time my Dad took just me to a Twins game.  Since then, we’ve been to many Twins games together, but that one will always be special.
I am blessed to have a wonderful father who taught me about Jesus, taught me to love chocolate chip cookies and milk, held a piano book over my hands to keep me from looking, taught me to eat cereal at 10 at night, bought me my first CD, taught me how to drive, and showed me what it means to be a husband and father.  Not that I’m a husband or father, but by his example, I learned what to look for in my spouse.
And now, I am doubly blessed.  I have a husband who teaches his children about Jesus, takes them camping in the back yard (when I’m too pregnant to sleep in a tent), teaches them to love reading, plays “wrestling” with them, changes poopy diapers and wet sheets, and shows them what it means to be a good husband.
Today I thank God for the wonderful fathers in my life.  Not just my dad and my husband, but my brother, my brothers-in-law, my father-in-law and all the other dads I’m blessed to know.  You have a difficult job.   But know that it isn’t impossible when you have your Father on your side.

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