Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Birthday

Today we celebrated our daughter’s third birthday.  I know that everyone says this, but I can’t believe how quickly three years have gone by.  It seems like just a few days ago I was walking around the hospital parking lot, making sure the contractions were really working.  And now, I have a bubbly, talkative little girl who couldn’t even believe that today was finally her birthday.  (Seriously, she’s been waiting for it for the past two months, at least!)
But, even more special than the day she was born is the day she was born again.  June 4th, the day after we came home from the hospital, we took her to church and she was baptized.  She didn’t look any different.  She didn’t even cry.  But the Holy Spirit was in her heart.
We know that the Holy Spirit still lives in her heart, too.  The songs she sings praising God, the way she “reads” her Bible story book to herself, the way she asks me to help her learn the words to prayers—these are all evidence of the faith growing inside her.  And it is my job (and what a blessing to have such a job) to help her nurture her faith.  Not that I can really DO anything.  But I can do many things.  I can sing, read and pray with her.  I can take her to church and Sunday school.  And, most importantly, I can pray.
Tonight my prayer is a prayer of thanks.  I am so grateful that God has privileged me to be a mother of a daughter.  I am blessed that she is healthy and happy.  And my prayer is a prayer of blessing for her.  I pray that God continues to keep her in her baptismal grace, close to Him all her life.  I pray that He blesses her with love and strength for all that He has planned for her.  And my prayer is a prayer of honor.  Praise the Lord for his gift of children!

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