Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our New Normal

This week was “Welcome to the new normal” at our house.  My three-year-old started preschool, turned four, and had his first sleep over.  We survived our first three-kid doctor visit.  (Don’t worry, it was a well check.)  We dropped off and picked up my husband from work.  And we went grocery shopping.  In the many conversations I’ve had with other mothers, many have said how surprised they are that I am out of the house at all, let alone running around doing various activities.  My response has been, “Life keeps going.  I just have to keep doing what needs to be done.”
However, as I’ve been sitting here this evening, I’ve realized that my response has been fairly hollow.  The truth is I have nothing to do with the relative smooth transition we’ve made as a family to our new normal.  It really started last Friday.  As I was going over my calendar, I realized I had a lot that I would need to be able to do.  And I was NOT feeling anywhere near capable or well enough to handle it all.  But, a hymn popped into my mind.  The words are:  With the Lord begin your task, Jesus will direct it.  For his aid and counsel ask, Jesus will perfect it.  Every morn with Jesus rise, and when day is ended, in His name then close your eyes, be to him commended.  And so I prayed something like, “God, please help my body to recover and help me to be able to do all the things I need to do.”
And God answered my prayer with a resounding “Here you go!”  He not only provided me with the strength and energy to do all the things that need to be done, he has provided me with people to help when I need it (and even if I think I don’t).
My Mom worked tirelessly while she was here, cooking, cleaning, playing with the big kids, all so I could sit and heal.  My Dad loaded and unloaded the van and drove us to doctor appointments, carrying the baby in his car seat and putting up with the funny looks from people who assumed he was the baby’s Daddy, not his Grandpa.  My Grace family has stepped in, bringing us unexpected dinners and offering to babysit and just help out with whatever is needed.
And, most of all, God has given me a wonderful help-mate.  My husband has come home in the evening ready to make dinner, play with kids, clean up after dinner, bathe the kids, and listen to any concerns or complaints I’ve had.  He’s gotten up with me to change diapers and put big kids back to bed.  Tonight, he even put up with my crazy impromptu cleaning frenzy, even though he had work of his own to get done.
Our new normal has nothing to do with me.  God is using the many wonderful people in my life to help me out.  My prayer now is two-fold.  I pray that I can share what a blessing these people are with those around me.  And I pray that I can be such a helpful blessing in turn to the people in my life who need my help.

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