Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My husband and I had a wonderful surprise last week.  The surprise wasn’t the birth of our third child.  My constantly growing belly and numerous doctor visits helped us prepare for that.  It wasn’t that we have a wonderful second son to count among our blessings.  We had found out his gender in an ultrasound about 4 months ago.  It was that he was so big—almost 10 pounds.  Even my doctor and nurses were surprised when they put him on the scale.
It reminds me of Jesus’ second coming.  We know that he is coming again.  He tells us numerous times throughout the New Testament.  We see the signs he promised being fulfilled, too; wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters, all these point to our Savior’s hastening return.  But, the day will still be a surprise.
But, what can I do while I wait?  My husband and I took many walks with our older two the weekend before number three was born.  We cleaned the house and made sure the car seat was in the van.  We set up the basinet and talked to our children about mama being gone for a few days.
As I wait for Jesus, I can continue studying His word, praying that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith as I read.  I can teach my children about Jesus and pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work in their hearts.  And, I can follow Jesus’ command to tell others about Him and help them prepare for His second coming, too.
When we told our kids that I would be gone for a few days, my daughter started saying to me at bedtime every night, “Don’t leave, Mama.”  In fact, she is still saying that to me now.  I try to console her, letting her know I am here, just in a different room.  But she still is afraid of being alone. 
Jesus knew that we would have a similar fear of being left alone.  When He sent us out to share His word, he sent us with a promise.  He promised to be with us always.  And he is.
I have been blessed with a wonderful surprise.  I pray that God continues to help me prepare for the surprise of a lifetime.

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