Sunday, September 2, 2012

Impatiently Waiting

My husband and I are anxiously waiting the birth of our third child.  Our first was born 10 days early, our second two weeks early.  Now, at 8 days before my due date, this is the most pregnant I’ve ever been.  We truly expected to be holding our new son in our arms already.  We’ve been to the hospital twice this week with false alarms.  (That really makes me crazy, because this is my THIRD child, and I should know better.  I don’t like being one of those moms.)  We’ve been walking almost every day.  One day, I even took two hour-long walks without my husband, meaning I had to push the double stroller with our two older kids.  And still, no baby.
Not that it isn’t worth the wait.  I know that God’s timing is perfect.  When I hold my new son in my arms for the first time, I know that I will forget the past three weeks of bed rest and impatient waiting.  I know that he will be another tiny miracle for our family to love.
As I sat in church this morning, thinking over all these things, I was reminded of our impatient wait for Jesus’ second coming.  I am often discouraged by the sin-filled world we live in.  I am disheartened by impatient, rude behavior.  I am distressed when I see news stories filled with death and devastation.  And I am dismayed by my own inability to consistently avoid Satan’s temptations.  I long for Jesus to return, to take me and all my fellow believers to be with him in perfect peace.
But, God has a plan.  His timing is perfect.  He wants me here to share his message of sin and forgiveness with the world around me.  He wants me on this earth to teach my children about him so they may feast with me at his heavenly banquet.  He has a plan.
Just like waiting for my son, waiting for The Son is worth it.  When he comes again, he will take me to my heavenly home.  I can’t wait!

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